The struct test

What is a test?

A test represents a time-dependent input \(\mathbf{u}(t)\) in an interval \([0,T]\) and, optionally, the corresponding output \(\mathbf{y}(t)\) and state \(\mathbf{x}(t)\).

How is a test represented?

A test is represented as a MATLAB struct. The time is defined in the field, while the input, output and state are defined in the fields test.uu, test.yy, test.xx, respectively.

A test can be defined analytically, as in the following example: = [0, 10];
test.uu = @(t) sin(t);

Otherwise, the test can be defined by a set of discrete values, as in the following example: = linspace(1,10,200);
test.uu = sin(;

In case of vector-valued input (i.e. nU > 1 in the problem definition), each entries of the input corresponds to a row of test.uu (the same convention if employed also for test.yy and test.xx), that is:

test.uu = @(t) [sin(t); cos(t)];


test.uu = [sin(; cos(];

In case the value of test.uu for a time step not contained in is needed, a linear interpolation is performed.


Both the input and the output of a simulation are represented as test structs. For example, with the following line one can obtain the solution corresponding the input \(\mathbf{u}(t) = \sin(t)\) in the interval \(t \in [0,10]\) for the model represented by the struct model: = linspace(1,10,200);
test_input.uu = sin(;
test_output = model_solve(test_input, model);

In this example, both test_input and test_output are test structs. However, while the former contains only the fields and test_input.uu, the latter contains the fields, test_output.uu and test_output.yy. Additionally, by specifying the option save_x as follows:

test_output = model_solve(test_input, model, struct('save_x', 1));

the struct test_output also contains the field test_output.xx.