The struct model

What is a model?

A model can be regarded as a map from a time-dependent input to a time-dependent output, according to the definition of Sec. 2.1 of [1]. Each model is associated to a problem. Notice that a model comprises both the mathematical model and its discretization: it corresponds thus to the concept of numerical model.

How is a model represented?

A model is represented as a MATLAB struct. The struct must contain a field model.problem, containing the associated problem struct.

Models can be of two types: black-box models or explicitly-defined models.

Black-box models

Black-box models are characterized by the field model.blackbox = 1. The input-output map is defined through a function handle model.forward_function, with the following signature:

output = forward_function(test, options)

This function receives an input test struct and returns an output test struct. An example of definition of such function is contained in \examples\tutorial\NTL1_getmodel_blackbox.m.

Black-box models are useful when one wants to build a wrapper to an external software.

Explicitly-defined models

Explicitly-defined models contain the explicit definition of the properties of the model. In this case, the model struct must contain the following fields:

Basic fields

  • model.nX: number of internal states

  • model.x0: initial state

  • model.dt: integration time step

Model dynamics

The model dynamics can be defined in different ways, according to the field model.advance_type, that takes the following values:

  • 'solveonestep': the most generic case. It requires a function x = model.solveonestep(x,u,dt) that advances the state of one time step.

  • 'solveonestep_linear': like 'solveonestep', but this entails the solution of a linear system \(Kx = r\). It requires a function [K,r] = model.solveonestep(x,u,dt).

  • 'nonlinear_explicit': explicit Euler advance, with generic right-hand side, defined by the function rhs = model.f(x,u).

  • 'linear_CN_uaffine': generic linear model, with Crank-Nicolson advance, with affine dependence on \(\mathbf{u}(t)\).

  • 'linear_advance': generic linear model.

  • 'linear_advance_timeexplicit': generic linear model, with explicit dependence on \(\Delta t\).

  • 'linear_advance_uaffine': generic linear model, with affine dependence on \(\mathbf{u}(t)\).

  • 'linear_advance_timeexplicit_uaffine': generic linear model, with explicit dependence on \(\Delta t\) and with affine dependence on \(\mathbf{u}(t)\).

For the definition of the fields required according to the field model.advance_type, see the function core/model_solve.m

Model output

Also the output of the model can be defined in different ways, according to the field model.output_type, that takes the following values:

  • 'insidestate': the output is given by the first nY internal states (i.e. y = x(1:nY)).

  • 'nonlinear': the output is a non-linear function of the state: y = model.g(x).

  • 'linear': the output is a non-linear function of the state: y = model.G * x + model.g0.


The first case corresponds to the input-inside-the-state approach of [1], while the other two correspond to the input-outside-the-state approach.

How to create or load a model struct?

The best-practice is that of creating models by means of ad-hoc functions. Examples are contained in \examples\tutorial\NTL1_getmodel_blackbox.m (black-box case) and \examples\tutorial\NTL1_getmodel.m (explicitly-defined case).

Such model constructors, that receive in input the problem struct, can be used in the .ini file defining a problem to define the high-fidelity model handler. In this case, the high-fidelity model associated with a problem can be obtained, for example, with the folowing commands:

problem = problem_get('tutorial','NTL1.ini');
HFmod = problem.get_model(problem);

Also reduced models based on ANNs are models, in the sense of the definition of this page. To load a trained model, you can use the following function:

ANNmod = read_model_fromfile(problem,'FOLDER_OF_TRAINED_MODEL');

What can I do with a model struct?

Models structs can be used to perform simulations. With the following command, for instance, we employ the model defined in the struct model to obtain the output test struct test_output associated with the input test struct test_input and we plot the solution:

test_output = model_solve(test_input, model, struct('do_plot',1));